The design follows our branding style closely with use of fonts, colour palette and graphic design. It's a small site, purposefully simple to reflect the culture and positioning of the clients business.
We started the process as we would with any website design - scribbles and and a overall site plan. From there we created initial design visuals that we presented to the client for feedback. The visuals are created to ensure that our vision matches what the client has in mind, at the same time guiding them to be sure messages are on target for the right audience.
Once we had a go-ahead on the design visuals we pushed forward with laying out the entire site, setting text and positioning images so that the client would be able to understand how the site would look once completed.
Behind the scenes the site was created in html with just a few elements of javascript applied for elements such as the small image gallery and navigation rollovers. Simplicity was the key. This ethos carried over to the 'Daily Specials' page which the client had requested to have the ability to update themselves. This called for a simple CMS system to be applied to just that page - offering the flexibility the client required without the hassle of 'too much technology' getting in the way.

Once all of the files were created and the graphics refined, we went through the entire site and added some SEO with keywords, meta tags and page headers. The domain was submitted to all of the largest search engines to be picked up in their listings and we uploaded sitemaps to ensure every page was easily found and indexed.
It's always interesting to create an identity and brand from scratch for a new company and then apply it across a range of materials and elements within a short timeframe - a challenge we have undertaken many times over. Of course the results are always 'tasty'!