Because the holiday market is so competitive it was exceptionally important that our brochure was launched before the competition get their product to market - and that's just what we've done! By pulling out all of the stops the team at Laban Brown have designed and produced the 40 page brochure and it's already in the shops.
The process from scribbles and layouts to the finished printed brochure was typically swift and efficient. Building on the firm brand foundations that we created a year ago for the launch of the company, the 2011 brochure is colourful, engaging and aimed squarely at the target audience.
As with any fast moving project there was a healthy mix of project management and creative skills needed to achieve the deadlines we'd agreed with the client. Of course we have the years of experience behind us and a smart team that enables us to handle a project like this without any trouble.
With the brochure launched and out there, it won't be long before we start receiving the sales numbers generated from it which of course is the acid test. The client is as confident as us and based on the results of our efforts last year they should be excellent.